client: forbes
dona bertarelli
cover & editorial forbes
pdf cover & story forbes nr.1 - 25
jubiläumsschwingfest appenzell 2024
berner kantonalen 2024
schwägalp schwinget 2024
stars of sounds murten and aarberg
hecht, büne huber; katie melua; stress; john newman; amy mcdonald; alan walker; hurts; seven; züri west; kuno lauener; elton john; status quo; noah veraguth / pegasus; christophe maé; roger hodgson / supertramp; carolin chevin; luca hänni; stefanie heinzmann; fritz kalkbrenner; baschi; nic maeder / gotthard; beverley knight; rudolf schneller / scorpions; klaus meine / scorpions; jaël; fernando von arb / krokus; chris von rohr / krokus; marc storace / krokus; kunz; gölä & band; gölä
swiss economic forum interlaken 2021 & 2022
marco odermat - portrait of the year 2022, xenia tchoumi, sebastian kurz, alan roura, léa miggiano, yael meier, kosovos president vjosa osmani-sadriu, former prime minister of australia kevin rudd, rosmarie michel, silvia & fredy bayard, claudio bühlmann swissshoecare, roger schawinski, urs gredig, melati wijsen, ignazio cassis
the football legends against poverty: making of and werbewoche article
zinedine zidane, former professional french footballer and couch of real madrid
ronaldo, former, professional brazilian footballer “the phenomenon”
paolo maldini, former professional italian footballer
luis figo, former, professional portuguese footballer
fabio cannavaro, former professional italian footballer
gennaro gattuso, former professional italian footballer
giovane elber, former professional brazilian footballer
marta vleira da silva, former professional brazilian footballer. best female player of all time
pavel nedved, former professional czech footballer
pierluigi colina, former professional italian referee. the best referee of his generation.
enrique mazzola
music director lyric opera of Chicago
cover & editorial jungfrau zeitung: weltstar ohne allĂĽren: enrique mazzola
client: forbes
david allemann on “board of directors”
cover & editorial forbes
jonas deichmann
extreme athlete / adventurer / world record holder - first to have completed a triathlon around the world
veronica fusaro
client: jungfrau zeitung
output: print & online jungfrau cover & editorial
to read at: jungfrau zeitung article veronica fusaro “mit charisma und einer magischen aura”
stephan eicher & francis foss
client: jungfrau zeitung
output: print & online jungfrau cover & editorial
we were commissioned by the legendary “unspunnen schwinget” to deliver the content for the social media, advertising and press.
organization & planning: Neuhaus Connection
portraits: remo neuhaus
video: mischa hofer
pictures “unspunnen schwinget”: benjamin earnhart
swiss economic forum 2023
lisa eckhart / sergio ermotti / thomas sĂĽssli / caroline roth / beat feuz / thomas jordan / garry kasparov / toni kurz / youn sohn / angelo eggli / thomas binggeli with the new twinner bike /
client: red bull / the red bulletin
toni kurz entrepreneur / ceo outlet king
editorial the red bulletin
professional soccer player bsc young boys, swiss champions 2023 & champions league 2023
lewin blum & kastriot imeri
lewin blum. champions league man of the match. bscyb vs roter stern belgrad, november 2023
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: for ybusiness magazin
editorial schweizer illustrierte & content creation
heidi maria glössner
client: jungfrau zeitung
output: print & online jungfrau cover & editorial
read it at: jungfrau zeitung 2. november 2022
shlomo graber is a writer, painter and Holocaust survivor. he became known for his memoirs published under the title “the boy who wouldn't hate.” I had the pleasure of taking his portrait in his gallery in Basel at the age of 97. I tried to use the reflection in the portrait to show that he always looked positively to the future after his terrible experience, although he also had to look back from time to time.
the bscyb soccer club wins the championship 2020/2021 again. portraits of the entire master team in the corona times.
client: bscyb
book: schweizer meister “geistermeister” 2020/2021
mountaineer, explorer, and author from South Tyrol.
he made the first solo ascent of Mount Everest.
reinhold & diane messner.
denise biellman
location: oerlikon zĂĽrich
client: cameo verlag
output: book cover & editorial pictures
at the legendary marians jazz room
client: marians jazz room & hotel innere enge
output: content for the festival campaign, website & social media
article & interview about my work: der star-fotograf spricht spricht ĂĽber seine begegnungen mit den weltstars
2024: ekep nkwelle (new york, usa) - article: a star is born, d.k.harrel (louisiana, usa), toronzo cannon (chicago, usa), chris brubeck & the brubeck brothers (usa), paquito d’rivera (cuba), tuba skinny (new orleans, usa)
2023: sugaray rayford (usa), terrance simien and the zydeco experience (usa), bill charlap trio feat. chris potter (usa), mr. sipp, “the mississippi blues child”
2022: shemekia copeland (usa), billy cobham (panama/usa), charlie musselwhite (usa), rhoda scott (usa), jacky terrasson (germany), sarah mckenzie (usa), warren wolf (usa), kat riggins (usa), emmet cohen (usa)
2021: guy davis (usa), joey defrancesco (usa), peter bernstein (usa), curtis salgado (usa), jesse davis (usa), , ranky tanky (usa), mighty mo rodgers (usa), ulysses owens jr. & generation y (usa), vanessa collier (usa), youn sun nah (sĂĽdkorea), benny green (usa)
2020: marcus gilmore (usa), stanley jordan magic touch (usa), monty alexander (usa), ben williams (usa), hamilton de holanda (brasil) & the legendary mariansjazzroom founder hans zurbrĂĽgg
client: kellerhals carrard
image book / 100 years / kellerhals carrard lawyers
basel, bern, genève, lausanne, lugano & bern
me jean-philippe rochat, managing partner lausanne / mariana alijo gonzalez, juriste genève / jeremy juget, fiscaliste genève / me sophie fourques de ruyter, avocate genève / maria portillo, administration-réception, lausanne / elodie morel, assistante genève / me yannick wavre, avocat genève / sabrina grandi, assistente lugano / federica giacinti, assistente lugano / massimiliano maestretti, managing partner lugano / patricia christen, assistentin basel / nicolas mosimann, partner basel / thomas hentz, partner basel / beat brechbühl, managing partner schweiz / silvia bach, assistentin bern / nicole maurer, associate bern / daniel emch, partner bern / daniel lengauer, managing partner zürich / matthias spinner & luca stäuble, associate zürich / micol morganti perucchi, associata e notaio lugano / claire mordelet, associata lugano / stefano perucchi, partner lugano
sebastian kurz
background: unique backdrop
client: swiss economic forum /
output: book cover “reden wir über politik”
how it came that this picture was chosen for the cover, to read in the article of the jungfrau newspaper: jungfrau newspaper article
client: vup fashion (
campaign / new website / social media content
models: manuela, evelin, emre ,sebastiano, nadia, mätthel, vera & ado
professional soccer player bsc young boys. record scorer from bsc young boys in the european cup. two times swiss champion, top scorer and music lover.
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: for ybusiness magazin
christmas sessions biel
morcheeba, joss stone, jack savoretti, texas with sharleen spiteri, milow, jamie cullum, james morrison
polo hofer /natacha / bĂĽne huber / tina weirather / andreas caminada / steff la cheffe / simonetta sommaruga
client: swiss economic forum
making of shooting (#sef18) with john kerry @swiss economic forum: making of
or making of shooting (#sef19) with matteo renzi @swiss economic forum: making of matteo renzi
boris johnson, prime minister for the united kingdom
donna carpenter, ceo & owner burton
john kerry, american politician and secretary from president barack obama
daniela spuhler, entrepreneur
klaus schwab, president & founder world economic forum
susanne wille, moderator swiss television
ehud barak, isralel politician and former prime minister
gordon brown, british politician who was prime minister for the united kingdom
patricia laeri, moderator swiss television
johann schneider ammann, former swiss federal council, president 2017
ola orekunrin, ceo and founder flying doctors, nigeria
and leader of the labour party
ueli maurer, swiss federal council president 2019
pascale bruderer, swiss politician
andreas meyer, ceo sbb
andré lüthi, globetrotter
keyu jin, london school of economics
team swiss economic forum
howard yu, lego professor of management and innovation
bethlehem tilahum alemu, africa
ian bremmer, president & founder eurasia group
alain berset, swiss federal council, president 2018
enzo enea
alec von graffenried, mayor of berne
matteo renzi, former italian premier minister
"you don't have to become rich and famous. it's enough if you are a legend." endo anaconda.
at the shoot for the cover and editorial of baernmagazine in 2014 endo showed me all his faces. the legendary stiller has singer was also up for a joke as 'pharaoh'. This in allusion for his guest appearance on the lake stage in the musical "aida".
professional soccer player bsc young boys, swiss champions 2018-2021 & champions league 2021
cédric zesiger / silvan hefti / sandro lauper
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: for ybusiness magazin
swiss model valerija sestic @zermatt .
client: olmo fashion store
output: calendar & postcards
wildlife ambassador Hakuna Mitaka oasis
client: norqain sa
mujinga kambundji is a swiss sprinter. she won the bronze medal at the 2019 world championships in the 200 metres event.
daniela ryf is a Swiss triathlete. she is the titles holder of the Ironman World Championship of 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.
client: sportlerin magazin
output: cover & editorial
client: ciolina bern, bruno heller
campaign / print/ social media content
model: manuela frey
On my social media channels, my followers determine the portrait of the year. In 2019 the portrait of the musician and songwriter Bastian Baker won. I took the portrait before his Stars of Sounds concert in summer 2019.
video by
remo neuhaus (camera)
florian wyss (edit)
norqainer challengers:
justine gosling
oliver adkinds
naoto minoda
mountain guides:
andy steindl
sam anthamatten
christoph petrig
client: swiss economic forum
francois hollande, former président of france
cordelia hagi, entrepreneur
bastian baker, musician
chabi nouri, ceo piaget
paul bulcke, chairman of the board of directors, nestle
dani arnold, alpinist
magdalena martullo blocher, entrepreneur ems-chemie
roland brack, entrepreneur
corine blesi swiss economic forum & team
gianni infantino, fifa präsident
ruth metzler, manager and former member of swiss federal council
Alois von und zu liechtenstein, prince regent from liechtenstein
daniel grieder, ceo hugo boss
guy parmelin, member of swiss federal council
making of shooting (#sef18) with john kerry @swiss economic forum: making of
2020: the world is in a state of coronavirus emergency - we are currently asking people how they experience this time. an authentic snapshot of randomly selected personalities. portrayed in pictures, text and sound and of course always at a distance of 2 meters. over 60 stories can be found on the website:
professional soccer & bsc young boys
location: Unik training bern
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: ybusiness magazin 2021
dominic stricker - roland garros paris junior champion
output: campaign «SRF 3 Best Talent Sport» & new website
professional soccer players bsc young boys; in the 2019/20 swiss super league season jean pierre nsame finished the season as the league's top goalscorer with 32 goals in 32 matches and powered the young boys to winning the swiss double, by winning the swiss league for the 3rd straight time and the swiss cup.
location: wankdorf stadion
client: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: ybusiness magazin & bscyb double winner book 2020
legendary title defence. the swiss football champion sets a new record for the season. earliest championship title. longest series with at least one goal scored. highest viewer average in yb history. champion with the most points at the end of the season. biggest points advantage at the end of the season. most goals scored in one season. best goal ratio at the end of the season.
making of video: making of shooting bscyb
client: bscyb & special edition ybusiness magazin
kevin mbabu; david von ballmoos; loris benito; ulisses garcia; jan kronig; christian fassnacht; sandro lauper; moumi ngamaleu; steve von bergen; roger assalé; marco wölfli ; gregory wüthrich; miralem sulejmani; mohamed ali camara; jordan lotomba; guillaume hoarau; gianluca gaudino; djibril sow; thorsten schick; michel aebischer; léo seydoux; dario marzino; gerardo seoane; christoph spycher; stèphane chappuisat; martin fryand; matteo vanetta
book: schweizer meister 2019
Dienst leisten – mit Herz, Seele und Verstand.
Remo nimmt dich mit und erzählt unterhaltsam, wie er es schaffte, in seinen Teams das Feuer aller zu entfachen, um das gemeinsame Ziel zu erreichen – sei es in der Gastronomie, in der Fotografie oder im Event-Bereich.
Content ist König/In - der Nummer 1 Bestseller.
Oder warum Content mehr als Inhalt ist. Remo schildert süffig, wie es ihm gelungen ist, so bekannte und unterschiedliche Charaktere wie Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo, Premierminister Boris Johnson, Büne Huber, Elton John und viele weitere internationale Grössen aus Wirtschaft, Sport, Politik und Kultur zu portraitieren. Er gewährt dabei auch den einen oder anderen Blick hinter die Kulissen seiner Shootings und verrät, dass beileibe nicht immer alles so rund läuft, wie sich das der oder die Betrachter/in hinterher vielleicht vorstellt – jedes Bild erzählt seine eigene Geschichte.
Content ist König/In Buchvorstellungen & Referate
Dienstag, 10. Oktober: Stauffacher Bern
Mittwoch, 11. Oktober: Kramhof ZĂĽrichDienstag
17. Oktober: Krebser ThunMontag
30. Oktober: CNO Panel Casino Bern Samstag
Freitag, 12. Januar 2024: photoSchweiz24
Samstag, 31. August 2024: Kulturtour Lyss
Keynote / Referate.
«Content ist König/In» – gerne weiht euch Remo anlässlich eines Referates oder einer Keynote Speech in die tieferen Geheimnisse seines Dienstleistungsmantras ein. Warum ist Content mehr als Inhalt, wie leistet man Dienst mit Herz, Seele und Verstand? Unterhaltsam und inspirierend bringt er das auf den Punkt.
Jetzt anfragen und/oder buchen unter:
Ăśber den Autor.
Remo Neuhaus ist einer der renommiertesten Porträtfotografen der Schweiz. Er war Gastgeber und Mitinhaber des legendären Restaurants «Lorenzini» und des «Club Du Théatre» in Bern. Mit seinen Teams gewann der umtriebige Zampano des Berner Nachtlebens den «Best of Swiss Gastro Master» und den «Swiss Economic Award». Doch quasi auf dem Olymp seines gastronomischen Schaffens zog Remo einen Strich unter seine Gastgeber-Laufbahn. Er sattelte komplett um und machte sich innert kürzester Zeit einen Namen als Fotograf und Content Creator. «Sobald man in einer Sache Meister geworden ist, soll man in einer neuen Sache Schüler werden,» begründet er seinen damaligen Karriereschritt frei nach dem deutschen Schriftsteller Gerhart Hauptmann. Seine Story soll all jenen Mut machen, in deren Köpfen ebenfalls Ideen schlummern, die sich bislang aber nicht trauten, alte Pfade zu verlassen und neue Wege zu beschreiten.
Jetzt bestellen.
«Content ist König/In» - der Nummer 1 Bestseller kann unter folgenden Buchhandlungen bestellt werden (Feedback vieler Kunden: OrellFüssli liefert am schnellsten): Jetzt bestellen!
client: norqain swiss watches
model: mark streit, former nhl player, stanley cup winner 2017
output: magazine, calendar, website & social media content
you’ll find all norqain watches @:
frameconnection is a cooperation between remo neuhaus (production & film), florian wyss (director, film & cut, and chrigu aebi (director & editor). We produce on behalf of video productions for various customers. new website coming soon.
professional soccer & captain players bsc young boys
location: old city of bern
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: ybusiness magazin & bscyb double winner book 2020
henningsvaer football pitch, lofoten, norway.
photagraphed for my personal project sky & sea
“the pitch” is FINALIST COCA 2020 “The cool context of contemporary art International Artists from 91 countries.
more infos at:
more infos: sky & sea exhibition
fisherman from vestpollen, lofoten norway.
photographed for my personal project & blog sky & sea.
nicola spirig, olympic gold medal winner triathlon, swiss athlete
campaign photographed at gran canaria for client bauerfeind
model arabella drummond from london uk @zermatt
client: olmo fashion store
output: calendar & postcards
rafael beutl, spring & summer edition
clients: tschui fashion store & hackett, london & hess motorcycless bern
local shell and oyster fisherman from cais de palafitas da carrasqueira, portugal
photagraphed for my personal project sky & sea
best of seven black jack competition
client: grand casino bern
output: social media / influencer
remo käser; steve krähenbühl; lisa ng, rafael beutl; nicole christeler; lars lunde (winner first session); monika erb; loris benito; slavia karlen; albi saner; aniya seki; remo neuhaus
professional soccer player bsc young boys, swiss champion 2017 /2018 / 2019 - now: girondins bordeaux
@stade de suisse, bern
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: for ybusiness magazin
model andjela milanovic @zermatt
client: olmo fashion store
output: calendar & postcards
other models: shayade hug, nadine kieffer & phil blaze
professional soccer player and team managers fc thun
client: mis magazin & pkz fashion store
personal work for a the limited book edition motorheads (1 from 999)
more about the book - check out:
motorheads book in swiss television - check it out: glanz & gloria
portraits from motorheads:
mat rebeaud; nick eggenschwiler; rahel frey; tom lĂĽthi; marc surer; zoe scarlet; jndia erbacher; janina martig; neel jani; cyndie allemann; nico mĂĽller; fredy barth; danny schneider & many more
author: denis jeitziner
frameconnection is a cooperation between remo neuhaus (production & film), florian wyss (director, film & cut, and chrigu aebi (director & editor). We produce on behalf of video productions for various customers. new website coming soon.
professional soccer player VfL wolfsburg and former bsc young boys. swiss champion 2018 & 2019. champions league 2018/2019.
client: kevin mbabu & ciolina fashion store bern (serie bernapark, deisswil)
client: bscyb for ybusiness magazin & bayard fashion store (serie ristorante lorenzini & du théâtre, bern)
commercial jobs
kursaal, bern
murten productions
body art
hairstylist enrico bizzarro, bern
strom schweiz
swiss model laura zurbriggen & the famous valais shepherd heini biner @zermatt
client: olmo fashion store
output: calendar & postcards
ronja furrer
lisa & bianca @schweizerhof
julia saner
laura kasz @washbar
amanda ammann
natalia ebinger
personal portrait project
rafael beutl, autumn & winter edition
clients: tschui fashion store & hackett, london & schilthorn piz gloria
müslüm; gilbert gress; roman josi; lo & leduc; steff la cheffe; matthias glarner; anatole taubman; endo anaconda; simonetta; greis; scott sutter; martina hingis; slädu; timmermahn; ivo adam; mario venzago; philipp fankhauser; sbiti; mujinga kambundji; david hamilton (not a swiss guy :-); pedro lenz; marcus signer; andreas meyer; marc lüthi; richard dorfmeister; gabriel palacios; dj krizzli; renato giovanoli; jaël; jimy hofer; fabian cancellara; alexander tschäppät; müslüm knightrider; christopher s
gastronomie & interior design
rb productions, saanen
hotel rougemont
hotel edelweiss, davos
restaurant noa, bern
legendary champions celebration. after 32 years, the bscyb soccer club wins the championship 2018/2019 again. celebration on the swiss federal place. portraits of the entire master team.
client: bscyb & special edition schweizer illustrierte
book: schweizer meister 2018 (sold out)
marco wölfli; adi hütter; david von ballmoos; kevin mbabu; steve von bergen; kasim adams nuhu; loris benito; djibril sow; séko sanogo; miralem sulejmani; christian fassnacht; guillaume hoarau; roger assalé; jean-pierre nsame; thorsten schick; moumi ngamaleu; michel aebischer; gregory wüthrich; leonardo bertone; marco bürki; jordan lotomba; léo seydoux; dario marzino; pedro teixeira; christian peintinger; harald gämperle; martin fryand; miralem sulejmani for ybusiness magazin; marco wölfli
personal project for the limited motorheads book
professional soccer player bsc young boys, swiss champion 2018
@hotel schweizerhof,, bern
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: for ybusiness magazin
swiss cook, schloss schauenstein, fĂĽrstenau
models: felicia & anna
locations: marzili & lorrainebad, bern
client: globus fashion store
olmo fashion calendar - limited edition 1 from 333
client: olmo fashion store
output: calendar & postcards
ylona bosshard; andjela milanovic; valerija sestic; polina postnikova; nina burri; nadine kieffer; chantal wyss & lisa ng
dayana petrucci; julia zumstein; verena kosheen; tasha colors & thilo larsson
model: thilo larsson
personal project for my partners: 8js-clothes and bmw bĂĽhler, neuenegg
professional soccer player VfL wolfsburg and former bsc young boys. swiss champion 2018 & 2019. champions league 2018/2019.
client: kevin mbabu & bscyb
fashion store: ciolina fashion store bern
client: bilanz
mark streit is a former nhl ice hockey player and stanley cup winner 2017
shooting @oeschinensee for norqain campaign
client: norqain swiss watch
swiss musician s.m.d
client: s.m.d & coke music
output: coca cola & cover ep troum
client: timmermahn
output: book cover “80 bärndütschi Geschichte”
interview jungfrau zeitung: “picasso warf mir eine boule kugel an den Kopf!”
professional soccer players bsc young boys
@stade de suisse, bern (vincent sierro)
@hotel Schweizerhof bern (marvin spielmann)
clients: bscyb & bayard fashion store
output: for ybusiness magazin
steven epprecht, summer fashion shooting campaign
clients: tschui menswear fashion store with hackett, london / paul & shark / digel and hotel beatus merligen